Meet with Rose

access counseling during distance learning

During Distance Learning, Rose will rely on scheduled appointments. Rose is available to meet both over Zoom (preferable) or over the phone (particularly in situations when Zoom might compromise a student’s privacy). Students, families, Faculty, and Staff can schedule appointments in several different ways during Distance Learning:


Send Rose an email at to request an appointment.


Use Calendly to directly schedule an appointment without sending an email. After scheduling an appointment, you will automatically receive a calendar invite titled “FirstinitialLastinitial and Rose” (eg: a meeting between Stephen Curry and Rose would be SC & Rose). You can access Rose's Calendly at


Send Rose a text message or call/leave a voicemail through Microsoft Teams (applicable only if you have an Athenian email address).

Tips for Privacy During Zoom Meetings

In order to speak openly and comfortably during a Zoom check in, try to establish a space at home where you have some privacy. Some tips to make your meeting more private:

  • Use headphones with a built in microphone

  • Use a white noise machine to avoid overhearing private conversations. If you don’t have a white noise machine, playing music or running a fan are good substitutes.

  • If you need to get clever with where you conduct counseling sessions from that is okay! Bathrooms, closets, and even parked cars can offer more privacy if needed. You are welcome to turn your camera off as well to give you more privacy or make the check in more comfortable.

  • If you have concerns about privacy at home - Rose is available to schedule check-ins over the phone to allow you to check in from outside your house.